On January 29th, 2017 at 0800 Lieutenant Rudy Fisher walked into Pullman Fire Station 32 (the Deuce) for his final time as a member of the Pullman Fire Department. 24-hours later Lt. Fisher would be given the flag that was flying over the station in a ceremony performed by the Pullman Fire Honor Guard. The flag was handed to Lt. Fisher by Chief Mike Heston.
Lt. Fisher along with Firefighters McPherson, Gibbons, and Krieger worked his final shift on the north side of Pullman answering calls for service.
During the day I had the opportunity to shoot some photos with Lt. Fisher and his wife, Lisa. We took the photoshoot to Station 31 to include the men working there. Captain Reiber, Firefighters Gollnick, Erickson, and Branson where covering the south part of Pullman.
All the members of both stations took part in the photoshoot. I have included a hand full of the photos.
At 0800 on January 30th, 2017 Lt. Fisher’s final shift came to an end. The Honor Guard marched to the flag pole, lowered the American Flag, folded it, and it was ultimately presented to Lt. Fisher.
Again I was on hand to take photos of the Flag Ceremony and the celebration that took place afterwards in the Deuce. This was a great opportunity for people to congratulate Lt. Fisher on his retirement. Several retired firefighters made their way to the celebration. I tried to get as many photos as I could with newly-retired Lt. Fisher and the people in attendance.
Nearly a quarter-century, on February 10, 1992, Rudy Fisher was hired as a city of Pullman Firefighter by the late Chief Pat Wilkins. When Rudy was hired the main fire station on South Grand was the career station. The Deuce was the reserve station. That all changed in 2005 when WSU stopped providing their own fire services and started to use the City of Pullman Fire Department. At that time the Deuce was made into a career and reserve fire station. At the same time Lieutenants were added to the rank of firefighters. Rudy was selected as one of the first three Lieutenants of Pullman Fire.
I had the opportunity ask Rudy some questions about his quarter-century run at being a city of Pullman Firefighter.
My first question is the typical question that many people ask. Why did you want to be a firefighter? He said “First of all I wanted to help others in a time of need. I wanted a challenge and I loved the problem solving aspect that this career choice offered every day.”
Of all the events, calls, and activities what one(s) sticks out in his mind? Rudy responded by saying “Infants and young children calls left the most lasting impressions on me. Creative activities by the student population are too numerous to list but did make me chuckle and / or scratch my head in amazement.”
Firefighters seem to have a favorite apparatus and Rudy was no different. I had a feeling that I already knew the answer before I asked, but I wanted to know what his favorite apparatus was. He said “The H & W (E32) was the first Red Engine in the fleet. It looked great and was very user friendly.” That was the engine we used to base the crew photos during the photoshoot. It also happens to be the engine Rudy requested for that purpose.
For anyone thinking about becoming a firefighter Rudy suggests “You need to have thick skin, roll with the punches, adapt and overcome, be patient, and have a passion to help others.”
I asked Rudy to look back at the Pullman Fire Department he joined 25 years ago compared to today. I then asked what he thought was the most important/best change that had taken place. Rudy said “Transitioning from a BLS (Basic Life Support) service to ALS (Advanced Life Support) [emergency medical] service.” Rudy was there for the transition and saw the difference that a paramedic can make in the positive outcome when someone is in dire straits.
Finally I asked Rudy if there was anything he would like to add, say as words or wisdom, or give a farewell statement. Rudy closed by saying “I believe a person should stand up for what’s right and true. Be accountable for your actions. Learn how to think and not what to think. Treasure your friends and family as time goes by really fast. Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.”
Thank you Lt. Rudy Fisher for your service to the City of Pullman and surrounding communities.
Lt. Fisher in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher in the Officer seat of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher in the Officer seat of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in front of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa on the jump seats in Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa on the jump seats in Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa on the jump seats in Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa on the jump seats in Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa on the jump seats in Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa on the jump seats in Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in the cab of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in the cab of Engine 32.
Lt. Fisher standing next to the Officer door of Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher standing next to the Officer door of Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher on the step of Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher on the step of Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher at the pump panel on Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher at the pump panel on Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher at the pump panel on Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher at the pump panel on Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in the cab on Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa in the cab on Engine 31.
Lt. Fisher, Captain Reiber, FFs Gollnick, McPherson, Gribbons, and Krieger. Engine 31 in the background.
Lt. Fisher, Captain Reiber, FFs Gollnick, McPherson, Gribbons, and Krieger. Engine 31 in the background.
Lt. Fisher, Captain Reiber, FFs Gollnick, McPherson, Gribbons, and Krieger. Engine 31 in the background.
Lt. Fisher, Captain Reiber, FFs Gollnick, McPherson, Gribbons, and Krieger. Engine 31 in the background.
FF Gollnick keeping things light hearted.
FF Gollnick keeping things light hearted.
Lt. Fisher in the foreground with Captain Reiber, FFs Gollnick, McPherson, Gibbons, and Kreiger. Engine 31 in the background.
Lt. Fisher in the foreground with Captain Reiber, FFs Gollnick, McPherson, Gibbons, and Kreiger. Engine 31 in the background.
Lt. Fisher on the step of Engine 31 with FFs Gollnick, Capt Reiber, FFs McPherson, Gibbons, and Krieger.
Lt. Fisher on the step of Engine 31 with FFs Gollnick, Capt Reiber, FFs McPherson, Gibbons, and Krieger.
Lt. Fisher on the step of Engine 31 with FFs Gollnick, Capt Reiber, FFs McPherson, Gibbons, and Krieger.
Lt. Fisher on the step of Engine 31 with FFs Gollnick, Capt Reiber, FFs McPherson, Gibbons, and Krieger.
FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Capt Reiber, Lt. Fisher, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson. Engine 31 in the background.
FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Capt Reiber, Lt. Fisher, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson. Engine 31 in the background.
FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Capt Reiber, Lt. Fisher, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson. Engine 31 in the background.
FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Capt Reiber, Lt. Fisher, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson. Engine 31 in the background.
Lt. Fisher on the step of Engine 31 with FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Capt Reiber, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson.
Lt. Fisher on the step of Engine 31 with FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Capt Reiber, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson.
FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Lt. Fisher, Capt Reiber, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson. Engine 31 in the background.
FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Lt. Fisher, Capt Reiber, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson. Engine 31 in the background.
Lt. Fisher in the foreground with FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Capt Reiber, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson. Engine 31 in the background.
Lt. Fisher in the foreground with FFs Krieger, Erickson, and Branson, Capt Reiber, FFs Gollnick, Gibbons, and McPherson. Engine 31 in the background.
FF Branson, Captain Reiber, Lt. Fisher, FFs Gollnick, and Erickson.
FF Branson, Captain Reiber, Lt. Fisher, FFs Gollnick, and Erickson.
FF Branson, Captain Reiber, Lt. Fisher, FFs Gollnick, and Erickson.
FF Branson, Captain Reiber, Lt. Fisher, FFs Gollnick, and Erickson.
Captain Reiber and Lt. Fisher.
Captain Reiber and Lt. Fisher.
Members of the Pullman Fire Honor Guard practicing prior to the Flag Ceremony.
Members of the Pullman Fire Honor Guard practicing prior to the Flag Ceremony.
Members of the Pullman Fire Honor Guard practicing prior to the Flag Ceremony.
Members of the Pullman Fire Honor Guard practicing prior to the Flag Ceremony.
Members of the Pullman Fire Honor Guard practicing prior to the Flag Ceremony.
Members of the Pullman Fire Honor Guard practicing prior to the Flag Ceremony.
The final shift board. Lt. Fisher with FF McPherson covering for FF Caessens, FF Gibbons, and FF Krieger.
The final shift board. Lt. Fisher with FF McPherson covering for FF Caessens, FF Gibbons, and FF Krieger.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa walk past the flag pole during the Flag Ceremony.
Lt. Fisher and his wife Lisa walk past the flag pole during the Flag Ceremony.
The American Flag fly proudly in the wind on the morning of Lt. Fisher's final shift.
The American Flag fly proudly in the wind on the morning of Lt. Fisher's final shift.
The Honor Guard salute the American Flag that is flying over Station 32.
The Honor Guard salute the American Flag that is flying over Station 32.
Lt. Fisher and wife Lisa stand near Chief Heston. They are observing as the Honor Guard folds the flag.
Lt. Fisher and wife Lisa stand near Chief Heston. They are observing as the Honor Guard folds the flag.
The Pullman Fire Honor Guard folds the flag that flew over Station 32 on Lt. Fisher's final shift.
The Pullman Fire Honor Guard folds the flag that flew over Station 32 on Lt. Fisher's final shift.
FF Gollnick prepares to march the flag to Chief Heston.
FF Gollnick prepares to march the flag to Chief Heston.
FF Gollnick salutes Chief Heston after handing the flag to the Chief.
FF Gollnick salutes Chief Heston after handing the flag to the Chief.
Lt. Fisher with his wife Lisa being presented the flag that flew over Station 32 on his final shift by Fire Chief Heston.
Lt. Fisher with his wife Lisa being presented the flag that flew over Station 32 on his final shift by Fire Chief Heston.
Lt. Fisher with his wife Lisa being presented the flag that flew over Station 32 on his final shift by Fire Chief Heston.
Lt. Fisher with his wife Lisa being presented the flag that flew over Station 32 on his final shift by Fire Chief Heston.
Lt. Fisher with his wife Lisa just after being presented the flag that flew over Station 32 on his final shift.
Lt. Fisher with his wife Lisa just after being presented the flag that flew over Station 32 on his final shift.
Lt. Fisher with the flag that flew over Station 32 on his final shift.
Lt. Fisher with the flag that flew over Station 32 on his final shift.
Captain Foster with Retired FF Dragoo.
Captain Foster with Retired FF Dragoo.
FFs Branson and Erickson with Lt. Fisher.
FFs Branson and Erickson with Lt. Fisher.
Retired Captain Whitman with Lt. Fisher.
Retired Captain Whitman with Lt. Fisher.
Retired FF Dragoo with Lt. Fisher.
Retired FF Dragoo with Lt. Fisher.
Crew Leader Oppegaard presented Lt. Fisher with a gift from the C-Shift Reserves.
Crew Leader Oppegaard presented Lt. Fisher with a gift from the C-Shift Reserves.
Retired FF Wesson receives a hug from Palouse EMT Annie Pillers.
Retired FF Wesson receives a hug from Palouse EMT Annie Pillers.
Retired FF Wesson with Lt. Fisher.
Retired FF Wesson with Lt. Fisher.
Palouse FF Marv Pillers with Lt. Fisher.
Palouse FF Marv Pillers with Lt. Fisher.
Palouse EMT Annie Pillers with Lt. Fisher.
Palouse EMT Annie Pillers with Lt. Fisher.
WSU Police Officer Kirshner and Lt. Fisher.
WSU Police Officer Kirshner and Lt. Fisher.
Retired FF Wesson and FF Sugden get a laugh re-living one thing that Wesson was known for: cutting a donut in half and only having half of it.
Retired FF Wesson and FF Sugden get a laugh re-living one thing that Wesson was known for: cutting a donut in half and only having half of it.
Lt. Fisher with his parents and mother-in-law. Engine 32 in the background.
Lt. Fisher with his parents and mother-in-law. Engine 32 in the background.
Captain Reiber and Lt. Fisher.
Captain Reiber and Lt. Fisher.
Lt. Fisher with his parents.
Lt. Fisher with his parents.
Captain Foster with Lt. Fisher.
Captain Foster with Lt. Fisher.
Capts. Reiber and Foster with Lt. Fisher. Engine 32 in the background.
Capts. Reiber and Foster with Lt. Fisher. Engine 32 in the background.
Assistant Chief Scharnhorst with Lt. Fisher.
Assistant Chief Scharnhorst with Lt. Fisher.
FF Nuttman and Wehrung with Lt. Fisher.
FF Nuttman and Wehrung with Lt. Fisher.
FF Heebink and Gollnick with Lt. Fisher.
FF Heebink and Gollnick with Lt. Fisher.
Retired FF Dragoo, FF Gollnick with Lt. Fisher.
Retired FF Dragoo, FF Gollnick with Lt. Fisher.
Lt. Fisher all smiles with his donut and Capt. Reiber.
Lt. Fisher all smiles with his donut and Capt. Reiber.
FD 12 Chief Erwin and Lt. Fisher.
FD 12 Chief Erwin and Lt. Fisher.
Lt. Fisher's name tag.
Lt. Fisher's name tag.
RFF Chapman and Lt. Fisher.
RFF Chapman and Lt. Fisher.
FF Fitzgerald and Lt. Fisher.
FF Fitzgerald and Lt. Fisher.
FF Gollnick and Lt. Fisher.
FF Gollnick and Lt. Fisher.
FF Sugden and Lt. Fisher.
FF Sugden and Lt. Fisher.
Author: scotty
Canon 6D Mark II; Canon 70D (glass: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM; Canon EF 2.0X III Extender; Canon EF Lens 50mm 1:1.8 STM; Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-135mm 1:3.5-5.6 IS STM; Canon Compact-Macro Lens EF 50mm 1:2.5 with Canon Life Size Converter EF; Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM)
Nokia Lumia 920 (glass: Random binoculars)
Kodak Z612
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