2022 Goosetown Softball in Anaconda, MT

I took along my equipment and spent several hours taking photographs. I hit a several games on Sunday and one or two on Saturday. I had around 2,300 photos. I filtered that down to about 650 photos. Then I took about 65 photos from that filtered set. Those 65 photos are here after some minor cropping to bring attention to the details in the photos I wanted.

The other ~590 photos that remain from that first filtered set are available — unedited on another website: http://softballteams.org/2022goosetown/

Feel free to download and edit any of the photos. I only ask that you give credit back to me (Scotty Anderson) for the photos.

I also spent some extra time getting photos of a softball buddy, Mike Flink, who said he is hanging up the bat after this year. I tried to get a handful of time and him with his son who play softball together.

High School Basketball – Pullman vs West Valley – Feb. 11, 2022

It’s been nearly four years since I shot a basketball game. I took my Canon 6D with my trusty 70-200 lens. I got a new f/1.2 30mm prime lens. I put that on the 70D. As I shot I noticed the 70D consistently produced images with more grain. My 6D is a newer body. I set both of them to around f/3.3 with a shutter speed of 1/800 and auto ISO. As I look through the photos I can tell which ones were from the 6D and which were from the 70D based on the grain.

Tonight’s game against West Valley high school was senior night. It also meant Pullman would win the leave championship with a victory. Throughout the game Pullman pretty much controlled everything. Shortly after the third quarter started West Valley made a bit of a run and made it close but it didn’t take Pullman long to start running away again.

Following the game I got a few shots of the players celebrating their league championship.

I am not expert at shooting basketball. It is challenging because it seems bright inside the gym unless you’re shooting photos. So I have to compromise on the f/stop and shutter speed to get the photo without too much noise.

On top of that I have no idea what I am doing when cropping the photos. Obviously, I am trying to tell a story. I re-cropped these photos a second time. In some cases I thought the facial expressions of the players were being missed due to all the extra information in the photo. I am happier with the second cropping. In some photos I left the full body to show the height of the jump or the other battle taking place. In other cases it is upper body to show the facial expressions.

I have a friend who loves black and white sports photos. I changed all the photos I chose for this collection into black and white photos. I chose several that I thought looked pretty cool and included them in this upload.