Canon 6D Mark II; Canon 70D (glass: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM; Canon EF 2.0X III Extender; Canon EF Lens 50mm 1:1.8 STM; Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-135mm 1:3.5-5.6 IS STM; Canon Compact-Macro Lens EF 50mm 1:2.5 with Canon Life Size Converter EF; Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM)
Nokia Lumia 920 (glass: Random binoculars)
Kodak Z612
This afternoon there was a mass causality incident drill in which multiple fire and EMS agencies along with the three area hospitals took part.
The scene was an overturned tour bus with approximately 25 patients. Responders came from Fire District 12, Fire District 11, Fire District 4, Albion Fire Department, Pullman Fire Department, and Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport Fire Department. The Whitman County Sheriff’s Office and Lifeflight also participated in this drill.
The Incident Commander was FD12 Captain Eric Gibson.
I had the opportunity to shoot the photographs during the drill.
Firefighter Marv Pillers (an assistant for this drill) is inside the overturned bus with the simulated patients.
Firefighter Marv Pillers (an assistant for this drill) is inside the overturned bus with the simulated patients.
A view of one of the simulated patients inside of the overturned bus.
A view of one of the simulated patients inside of the overturned bus.
The overturned bus prior to the start of the MCI drill.
The overturned bus prior to the start of the MCI drill.
FD12 fire apparatus 12-15 was one of the first arriving units to the scene.
FD12 fire apparatus 12-15 was one of the first arriving units to the scene.
Initial arriving firefighters are overwhelmed with the number of simulated patients.
Initial arriving firefighters are overwhelmed with the number of simulated patients.
Simulated "walking wounded" patients are meandering around the scene upon the arrival of the firefighters.
Simulated "walking wounded" patients are meandering around the scene upon the arrival of the firefighters.
Firefighters start to arrive at the overturned bus.
Firefighters start to arrive at the overturned bus.
Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, stands beside Rescue 32.
Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, stands beside Rescue 32.
Firefighters triage the simulated patients with triage tags.
Firefighters triage the simulated patients with triage tags.
A firefighter assists a simulated "walking wounded" patient to safety.
A firefighter assists a simulated "walking wounded" patient to safety.
Firefighters bring medical equipment to deal with all the simulated patients.
Firefighters bring medical equipment to deal with all the simulated patients.
Firefighters bring extrication equipment to cut open the bus.
Firefighters bring extrication equipment to cut open the bus.
Several emergency apparatus can be seen lined up behind the overturned bus.
Several emergency apparatus can be seen lined up behind the overturned bus.
Several emergency apparatus are visible at a MCI drill.
Several emergency apparatus are visible at a MCI drill.
A crew of firefighters arrive on scene of the MCI.
A crew of firefighters arrive on scene of the MCI.
Newly arriving firefighters do a face-to-face to Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson.
Newly arriving firefighters do a face-to-face to Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson.
Two firefighters in the triage area tending to several simulated patients.
Two firefighters in the triage area tending to several simulated patients.
A firefighter has his hands full with multiple simulated patients.
A firefighter has his hands full with multiple simulated patients.
A line of emergency apparatus from multiple agencies are visible during an MCI drill.
A line of emergency apparatus from multiple agencies are visible during an MCI drill.
Firefighter Ian Turner checks on simulated patients inside of a bus.
Firefighter Ian Turner checks on simulated patients inside of a bus.
Firefighters quickly walk a simulated patient on a backboard to a waiting ambulance.
Firefighters quickly walk a simulated patient on a backboard to a waiting ambulance.
Firefighters lift a simulated patient secured to a backboard on to a cot for transport.
Firefighters lift a simulated patient secured to a backboard on to a cot for transport.
Firefighters prepare to load a simulated patient into an ambulance.
Firefighters prepare to load a simulated patient into an ambulance.
Firefighters work prepare to load a simulated patient into an ambulance.
Firefighters work prepare to load a simulated patient into an ambulance.
A simulated patient looks on as another simulated patient is loaded into an ambulance.
A simulated patient looks on as another simulated patient is loaded into an ambulance.
Firefighters starting the process of removing simulated patients from the overturned bus.
Firefighters starting the process of removing simulated patients from the overturned bus.
Firefighters assist a simulated patient out of the overturned bus.
Firefighters assist a simulated patient out of the overturned bus.
Firefighters swarm the scene of the bus accident during an MCI drill.
Firefighters swarm the scene of the bus accident during an MCI drill.
Although there are several ambulances lined up there are more simulated patients than the ambulances on scene can transport to the hospital.
Although there are several ambulances lined up there are more simulated patients than the ambulances on scene can transport to the hospital.
A simulated "walking wounded" patient is tended to by firefighters.
A simulated "walking wounded" patient is tended to by firefighters.
FF Krieger along with other firefighters are outnumbered by simulated patients in the triage area.
FF Krieger along with other firefighters are outnumbered by simulated patients in the triage area.
FF Krieger in the triage area.
FF Krieger in the triage area.
Firefighters wheel a cot to a waiting ambulance.
Firefighters wheel a cot to a waiting ambulance.
A group of firefighters carry a simulated patient on a backboard.
A group of firefighters carry a simulated patient on a backboard.
FF Krieger along with other firefighters are outnumbered by the simulated patients in the triage area.
FF Krieger along with other firefighters are outnumbered by the simulated patients in the triage area.
Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, along with Pullman Fire Chief Mike Heston and Public Information Officer Glenn Johnson.
Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, along with Pullman Fire Chief Mike Heston and Public Information Officer Glenn Johnson.
FF Oppegaard and FF Turner making their way into the overturned bus.
FF Oppegaard and FF Turner making their way into the overturned bus.
Firefighters from multiple agencies work together to extricate a simulated patient from an overturned bus.
Firefighters from multiple agencies work together to extricate a simulated patient from an overturned bus.
Firefighters packaging a simulated patient pulled from the overturned bus while firefighters in the distance deal with many more simulated patients in the triage area.
Firefighters packaging a simulated patient pulled from the overturned bus while firefighters in the distance deal with many more simulated patients in the triage area.
Firefighters "package" a simulated patient.
Firefighters "package" a simulated patient.
Lifeflight's helicopter over the scene.
Lifeflight's helicopter over the scene.
Lifeflight's helicopter circling around the scene before landing. (The bird says "Medstar" but it now belongs to Lifeflight after the two companies merged).
Lifeflight's helicopter circling around the scene before landing. (The bird says "Medstar" but it now belongs to Lifeflight after the two companies merged).
Lifeflight's helicopter a foot off the ground during landing.
Lifeflight's helicopter a foot off the ground during landing.
Firefighters tend to simulated patients in the triage area.
Firefighters tend to simulated patients in the triage area.
Media members Evan Ellis and Josh Babcock speak to Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, while the events are unfolding.
Media members Evan Ellis and Josh Babcock speak to Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, while the events are unfolding.
Media members Evan Ellis and Josh Babcock speak to Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, while the events are unfolding.
Media members Evan Ellis and Josh Babcock speak to Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, while the events are unfolding.
Several patients in the triage area with a number of firefighters helping them.
Several patients in the triage area with a number of firefighters helping them.
FF Marv Pillers looks through the front window of the bus.
FF Marv Pillers looks through the front window of the bus.
A simulated patient is being prepped for placement on Lifeflight's cot.
A simulated patient is being prepped for placement on Lifeflight's cot.
Lifeflight's crew and firefighters work with a large number of simulated patients.
Lifeflight's crew and firefighters work with a large number of simulated patients.
Firefighters working in the triage group discussing patient care.
Firefighters working in the triage group discussing patient care.
FF Oppegaard talking to Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson.
FF Oppegaard talking to Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson.
Several simulated patients are waiting for help during the MCI drill.
Several simulated patients are waiting for help during the MCI drill.
FF Domreis is explaining something to FF Krieger.
FF Domreis is explaining something to FF Krieger.
FF Domries was a member of the extrication team.
FF Domries was a member of the extrication team.
Lt. Parrish listens to FF Krieger.
Lt. Parrish listens to FF Krieger.
Firefighters tend to a simulated patient, placing her on a cot.
Firefighters tend to a simulated patient, placing her on a cot.
A simulated patient is loaded into Lifeflight's bird.
A simulated patient is loaded into Lifeflight's bird.
Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, reviews information on his incident command board.
Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, reviews information on his incident command board.
Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, issues orders via the radio.
Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson, issues orders via the radio.
Firefighters tend to simulated patients in triage.
Firefighters tend to simulated patients in triage.
FF Krieger and FF Domreis.
FF Krieger and FF Domreis.
Firefighters discuss patient care.
Firefighters discuss patient care.
Local Fire and EMS agencies working a bus accident with multiple patients.
Incident Commander, FD12 Captain Eric Gibson.
After all the patients have been extricated from the bus all the remains are the tools and the law enforcement who is helping to block the scene from vehicle traffic.
After all the patients have been extricated from the bus all the remains are the tools and the law enforcement who is helping to block the scene from vehicle traffic.
City of Pullman Mayor Glenn Johnson (who doubles as the Pullman Fire Department's Public Information Officer) is on scene to assist.
City of Pullman Mayor Glenn Johnson (who doubles as the Pullman Fire Department's Public Information Officer) is on scene to assist.
Firefighter Joe Branson in front of Rescue 32.
Firefighter Joe Branson in front of Rescue 32.
A cot is rolled into a triage area with several simulated patients waiting to go to the hospital.
A cot is rolled into a triage area with several simulated patients waiting to go to the hospital.
A view of the overturned bus from the top of Pullman Fire Department's Rescue 32.
A view of the overturned bus from the top of Pullman Fire Department's Rescue 32.
Firefighters load a simulated patient into the back of the ambulance.
Firefighters load a simulated patient into the back of the ambulance.
FD12 Captain Eric Gibson was the Incident Commander for this drill. In this photo Pullman Fire Chief Mike Heston and FD12 Captain Mike Lehmitz are visible in his sunglasses.
FD12 Captain Eric Gibson was the Incident Commander for this drill. In this photo Pullman Fire Chief Mike Heston and FD12 Captain Mike Lehmitz are visible in his sunglasses.
FF Krieger and FF Domreis listening to Lt. Parrish.
FF Krieger and FF Domreis listening to Lt. Parrish
Annie Pillers and Chris Scharer talking over lunch at the debriefing.
Annie Pillers and Chris Scharer talking over lunch at the debriefing.
Randy Miller and David Buckley from Colfax Fire and Rescue in the debriefing.
Randy Miller and David Buckley from Colfax Fire and Rescue in the debriefing.
In a little spot between Pullman, WA and Moscow, ID is a patch of trees in the middle of a wheat field. If you drive around Whitman County it is not unusual to see a small patch of trees in a wheat field. Sometimes there was a house near that spot. But other times I have no idea why they patch of trees exist.
Within this patch of trees was something I would not have expected to find — two abandoned cars. They are parked side-by-side. It looks like they may have been parked there at some point and just never moved again. They don’t look dumped. Even if they were running there would be no way to drive them out of there because of all the tress that would be in the way.
I took the opportunity to take some photographs of the cars.
The trunk of the car is held open by a stick. It is buried up to its frame.
The trunk of the car is held open by a stick. It is buried up to its frame.
An old car sits in the middle of a small patch of woods in the middle of a wheat field between Pullman, WA and Moscow, ID.
An old car sits in the middle of a small patch of woods in the middle of a wheat field between Pullman, WA and Moscow, ID.
The interior of the car is gone. The only thing the remains is the metal.
The interior of the car is gone. The only thing the remains is the metal.
The tire from the car is nearly completely buried.
The tire from the car is nearly completely buried.
A second car is parked next to the first car in the middle of a small patch of woods in the middle of a wheat field between Pullman, WA and Moscow, ID.
A second car is parked next to the first car in the middle of a small patch of woods in the middle of a wheat field between Pullman, WA and Moscow, ID.
A second car is parked next to the first car in the middle of a small patch of woods in the middle of a wheat field between Pullman, WA and Moscow, ID.
A second car is parked next to the first car in the middle of a small patch of woods in the middle of a wheat field between Pullman, WA and Moscow, ID.
During the weekend of October 8th I rented two lenses for testing:
– EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM
– EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
Coming into the testing I wanted to 100 – 400. As the testing period has been going along I have found myself more attracted to the 70-200 lens.
I went to Kerry Park in Seattle to take photos of the Space Needle, the Puget Sound, and some other landmarks. On the evening of October 8th, 2016 I went to Kerry Park. It was overcast with some rain. The next morning I returned to Kerry Park to redo all the photos in the daylight to compare the results.
After this testing I again liked the longer zoom but I love the faster glass. This is going to be a difficult decision.
The Space Needle at night through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f2.6, 1/80 sec exposure, ISO-5000 200mm focal length.
The Space Needle at night through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f2.6, 1/80 sec exposure, ISO-5000 200mm focal length.
A ferry going across the Puget Sound at night through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f22, 44 sec exposure, ISO-1000 200mm focal length.
A ferry going across the Puget Sound at night through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f22, 44 sec exposure, ISO-1000 200mm focal length.
The Space Needle at night through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f22, 18 sec exposure, ISO-1000 80mm focal length.
The Space Needle at night through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f22, 18 sec exposure, ISO-1000 80mm focal length.
The Space Needle at night through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f22, 11 sec exposure, ISO-400 286 mm focal length.
The Space Needle at night through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f22, 11 sec exposure, ISO-400 286 mm focal length.
The Space Needle during the day through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f5.6, 1/200th sec exposure, ISO-100 400 mm focal length.
The Space Needle during the day through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f5.6, 1/200th sec exposure, ISO-100 400 mm focal length.
A partial Seattle skyline photograph from Kerry Park through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f5.6, 1/320th sec exposure, ISO-100 100 mm focal length.
A partial Seattle skyline photograph from Kerry Park through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f5.6, 1/320th sec exposure, ISO-100 100 mm focal length.
A partial Seattle skyline photograph from Kerry Park through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-100 100 mm focal length.
A partial Seattle skyline photograph from Kerry Park through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-100 100 mm focal length.
A view of the Puget Sound from Kerry Park through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-100 100 mm focal length.
A view of the Puget Sound from Kerry Park through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-100 100 mm focal length.
A ferry is headed towards Seattle as seen from Kerry Park through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-160 200 mm focal length.
A ferry is headed towards Seattle as seen from Kerry Park through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-160 200 mm focal length.
The Space Needle during the day through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-100 170mm focal length.
The Space Needle during the day through a EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-100 170mm focal length.
A ferry is headed towards Seattle as seen from Kerry Park through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f11, 1/160th sec exposure, ISO-160 95 mm focal length.
A ferry is headed towards Seattle as seen from Kerry Park through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f11, 1/160th sec exposure, ISO-160 95 mm focal length.
Safeco Field is visible in the distance through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-160 200mm focal length.
Safeco Field is visible in the distance through a EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, f11, 1/100th sec exposure, ISO-160 200mm focal length.
On October 7th, 2016 Newport High School located in Bellevue, Washington traveled to Pop Keeney Stadium in Bothell, Washington to play Inglemoor High School.
I had just rented two telephoto lenses to test for the weekend.
– Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Telephoto Zoom Lens
– Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM Telephoto Zoom Lens
I have been favoring the 100-400 lens but I wanted to try both before I purchased one.
As it turned out my brother invited me to my nephew’s football game. It was a perfect opportunity to try both lenses. I used one in the 3rd quarter and the other one during the 4th quarter.
I love having the 400 zoom but I also noticed I had to really crank up the ISO in order to get some of the photos. I love the fact the 70-200 is faster glass and I get better photos.
After today’s test the 70-200 has made up some ground. Unlike most posts, this album will not have specific descriptions with each photo.
A little more about the game. Inglemoor has had a rough time at football recently. In fact this season it sounds like they are oh-for. Newport was looking to keep Inglemoor in the losing column. With merely 3:39 to go in the game Newport had a one point lead. But they were unable to hold on in the final minutes of the game. They allowed Inglemoor to score two times in the final three plus minutes to win 40 – 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
Newport High School at Inglemoor High School. Inglemoor wins 40 - 28.
The first weekend after Independence Day each year is a wonderful softball tournament in Anaconda, Montana. It is called Goosetown and has been an on-going event for the past several decades. Hundreds of softball teams from all over the west come to compete. Games are played on every field available from Butte to Deer Lodge to Anaconda.
This season I went to play with Charles Smith’s Flip Squad softball team. The photographs in this album of the Flip Squad playing softball were taken by Jackie Lew. The lighting for that game was not the greatest for getting crisp photos. Between innings I would make some adjustments to the settings in order to be able to take photographs as the light diminished. Unfortunately, even with some of the settings they were pretty dark. I used Lightroom to lighten them but the graininess shows. Nonetheless, it was rad to have Jackie taking the photos.
All the photos in this set were taken using a Canon 70D with a Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens.
I hope by Goosetown 2017 I will have my new glass which would have made for some awesome photographs. Stay tuned for that!
Kiel Bates.
Kiel Bates.
Briana Young and Kiel Bates.
Briana Young and Kiel Bates.
That moment before the ball experiences a great force in the opposite direction.
That moment before the ball experiences a great force in the opposite direction.
Sandra Hunt is not impressed with the pitch.
Sandra Hunt is not impressed with the pitch.
Sandra Hunt swinging.
Sandra Hunt swinging.
Jenny McMillan ready to make contact with the ball.
Jenny McMillan ready to make contact with the ball.
Jenny McMillan making her way to second base as the second baseman fields the ball.
Jenny McMillan making her way to second base as the second baseman fields the ball.
Jenny McMillan is headed to second as the second baseman tosses the ball to the shortstop.
Jenny McMillan is headed to second as the second baseman tosses the ball to the shortstop.
Jackie Lew watches as the shortstop tries to make a play on the ball after it was tossed to her by the second baseman. Jenny McMillan is headed to second.
Jackie Lew watches as the shortstop tries to make a play on the ball after it was tossed to her by the second baseman. Jenny McMillan is headed to second.
Jessica Stapleton throwing to first.
Jessica Stapleton throwing to first.
Elsa Olney pitching.
Elsa Olney pitching.
Elsa Olney prepares to pitch.
Elsa Olney prepares to pitch.
Solid-looking swing.
Solid-looking swing.
Jessica Stapleton in mid-swing.
Jessica Stapleton in mid-swing.
The third baseman looks intently at her target.
The third baseman looks intently at her target.
Josh McKinstry -- The Man!
Josh McKinstry -- The Man!
If you're the baserunner, this doesn't look good.
If you're the baserunner, this doesn't look good.
Someone is fixin' to get tagged out.
Someone is fixin' to get tagged out.
Uh oh.
Uh oh.
Jenny McMillan at first base with a hard hit ball coming down the line. The runner on first base had to jump out of the way.
Jenny McMillan at first base with a hard hit ball coming down the line. The runner on first base had to jump out of the way.
Ryan Brown watching some women's softball action in his brand new Goosetown hoodie.
Ryan Brown watching some women's softball action in his brand new Goosetown hoodie.
Jenny McMillan is ready to catch the ball at first base.
Jenny McMillan is ready to catch the ball at first base.
Jackie Lew makes contact.
Jackie Lew makes contact.
Third baseman goes back and catches the pop-up.
Third baseman goes back and catches the pop-up.
Jessica Stapleton watches the shortstop fire the ball to turn two.
Jessica Stapleton watches the shortstop fire the ball to turn two.
The first baseman prepares for the ball.
The first baseman prepares for the ball.
Sandra Hunt safely on base.
Sandra Hunt safely on base.
Jackie Lew prepares for her next AB.
Jackie Lew prepares for her next AB.
Jenny McMillan at the plate.
Jenny McMillan at the plate.
Shortstop making a sliding play.
Shortstop making a sliding play.
Shortstop makes a sliding play on the ball and quickly gets up to make a play at second base.
Shortstop makes a sliding play on the ball and quickly gets up to make a play at second base.
Adrian Silva, Josh McKinstry, and Jackie Lew.
Adrian Silva, Josh McKinstry, and Jackie Lew.
Briana Young behind the dish.
Briana Young behind the dish.
Elsa Olney pitching.
Elsa Olney pitching.
Briana Young stretches her foot in order to be safe at first.
Briana Young stretches her foot in order to be safe at first.
Sandra Hunt swinging away.
Sandra Hunt swinging away.
Charles Smith.
Charles Smith.
Jordan Palmer is waiting for the ball to cross the plate.
Jordan Palmer is waiting for the ball to cross the plate.
Josh McKinstry about to unleash on the ball. Sucks to be the ball.
Josh McKinstry about to unleash on the ball. Sucks to be the ball.
Jordan Palmer watching the play at first unfold.
Jordan Palmer watching the play at first unfold.
Jared Evenson.
Jared Evenson.
Bobby Purkhiser making the play at first.
Bobby Purkhiser making the play at first.
Thomas Alkire makes contact with the ball.
Thomas Alkire makes contact with the ball.
Jared Evenson swinging away.
Jared Evenson swinging away.
Jordan Palmer is feeding Adrian Silva.
Jordan Palmer is feeding Adrian Silva.
Adrian Silva going to turn two!
Adrian Silva going to turn two!
Thomas Alkire going back for the catch.
Thomas Alkire going back for the catch.
Stand up double.
Stand up double.
Jordan Palmer with his eye on the ball.
Jordan Palmer with his eye on the ball.
Kiel Bates headed into third.
Kiel Bates headed into third.
Kiel Bates is safe at third.
Kiel Bates is safe at third.
Josh McKinstry -- it looks like he works out too!
Josh McKinstry -- it looks like he works out too!
Bobby Purkhiser unleashing on the ball.
Bobby Purkhiser unleashing on the ball.
Charles Smith -- yes he works out.
Charles Smith -- yes he works out.
Adrian Silva is tracking the ball.
Adrian Silva is tracking the ball.
Thomas Alkire is at the plate, Bobby Purkhiser is at the on-deck circle, Kiel Bates, Brian Gaede, Josh Mayson and I are waiting our turn to bat.
Thomas Alkire is at the plate, Bobby Purkhiser is at the on-deck circle, Kiel Bates, Brian Gaede, Josh Mayson and I are waiting our turn to bat.
Jared Evenson is showing his 'war face'. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman would be proud.
Jared Evenson is showing his 'war face'. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman would be proud.
Adrian Silva preparing to make the catch.
Adrian Silva preparing to make the catch.
Jared Evenson firing the ball from the outfield.
Jared Evenson firing the ball from the outfield.
Jared Evenson making a catch in the outfield.
Jared Evenson making a catch in the outfield.
Tim Kreuch, Adrian Silva, and Josh Mayson between innings.
Tim Kreuch, Adrian Silva, and Josh Mayson between innings.
Jordan Palmer and Charles Smith.
Jordan Palmer and Charles Smith.
Brian Gaede stepping to the plate.
Brian Gaede stepping to the plate.
How much do you want to bet the ball goes foul?
How much do you want to bet the ball goes foul?
Kiel Bates is ready to unload.
Kiel Bates is ready to unload.
Tim Kreuch in full swing.
Tim Kreuch in full swing.
Kiel Bates getting back safely.
Kiel Bates getting back safely.
Jordan Palmer making contact.
Jordan Palmer making contact.
Kiel Bates watching for base coach Charles Smith to give him a sign.
Kiel Bates watching for base coach Charles Smith to give him a sign.
Adrian Silva with a stretch.
Adrian Silva with a stretch.
This was a flyball to left-center field, caused two players to collide, they were on the ground for a period of time... and the guy who caught the ball held on to it.
This was a flyball to left-center field, caused two players to collide, they were on the ground for a period of time... and the guy who caught the ball held on to it.
When your hits will not drop even though the players do.
When your hits will not drop even though the players do.
Jordan Palmer's dance moves.
Jordan Palmer's dance moves.
Adrian Silva fielding a ball thrown in from the outfield.
Adrian Silva fielding a ball thrown in from the outfield.
Tim Kreuch and Jordan Palmer preparing for the next pitch.
Tim Kreuch and Jordan Palmer preparing for the next pitch.
Josh McKinstry looking back over his shoulder on his way to third base.
Josh McKinstry looking back over his shoulder on his way to third base.
Jordan Palmer, Jared Evenson, and Me -- with some photoshoppin' happenin'.
Jordan Palmer, Jared Evenson, and Me -- with some photoshoppin' happenin'.
Jordan Palmer, Jared Evenson, and Me -- B&W style.
Jordan Palmer, Jared Evenson, and Me -- B&W style.
Jordan Palmer is wound up like a rubber band that is about to explode!
Jordan Palmer is wound up like a rubber band that is about to explode!
Jordan Palmer fires a ball across the infield.
Jordan Palmer fires a ball across the infield.
Adrian Silva fielding the ball thrown in by Kiel Bates.
Adrian Silva fielding the ball thrown in by Kiel Bates.
Jordan Palmer watching the ball into his glove.
Jordan Palmer watching the ball into his glove.
Josh McKinstry making the play at first.
Josh McKinstry making the play at first.
Jordan Palmer fields a ball thrown in from Josh McKinstry in the outfield.
Jordan Palmer fields a ball thrown in from Josh McKinstry in the outfield.
A ball is hit between Tim Kreuch at 3rd and Jordan Palmer at SS.
A ball is hit between Tim Kreuch at 3rd and Jordan Palmer at SS.